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40€ free samples for orders over 80€ - discover how it works
Promozione Campioni Omaggio
Se acquisti uno o più prodotti per un importo superiore agli 80 euro, avrai diritto ad una selezione di campioncini omaggio fino ad un valore di 40 euro. Se la selezione di campioni dovesse essere superiore ai 40 euro, la differenza verrà aggiunta al carrello. I campioni contengono 1,5 ml di profumo. I campioni vengono realizzati all’interno delle nostre boutique. Scegli i tuoi campioni omaggio qui. I campioni saranno scontati in automatico nel tuo carrello.

Eau d'Italie

A luxurious collection of fragrances, body and home products inspired by Italy. Created in 2004 by Marina Sersale with her husband Sebastian Alvarez Murena, the first fragrance Eau d’Italie was created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the famous and award-winning Hotel Le Sirenuse in Positano. In the following years, the line developed with new fragrances and new products and, to date, the brand is distributed in the best perfumeries and boutiques around the world. Le Sirenuse – is a charming five-star luxury hotel overlooking the bay of Positano, in the splendid setting of the Amalfi Coast. It opened in 1951 when four brothers of the noble Sersale family decided to transform their 18th-century palazzo into a hotel. With its breathtaking views over the Mediterranean and its refined and discreet luxury, Le Sirenuse has received many prestigious awards over the years and is considered one of the best hotels in the world.