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Home » Products » China White

China WhiteExtrait de Parfum

30 ml

124,00 inc. IVA


This fragrance aims to evoke degrees of hysteria and irresponsible behaviour. It is a dedicationto absinth, a controversial spirit that has been forbidden because of a component called thujone,a ketone that contains THC and has an aromatic green odour, and is well-known to stimulateserotonin. Being used by military force during the war to disinfect and boost the soldiers, thesehallucinations and psychedelic effects causing substance can also be found in artemisia plants. As acomponent of several essential oils, it is also used in perfumery.As a young perfumer, The Nose used to mix thujone found in the perfumery laboratory in hisabsinth drinks to make the effect even more inevitable. He wanted to experience another type ofdrunkenness resulting in endless giggles and hysteric bursts of laugh.Absinthe, also known as a“la fée verte”, is a highly alcoholic beverage that originates from Switzerland,rose great popularity among Parisian artists and writers of the 19th century. Traditionally greencoloured absinthe is an anise-flavoured spirit derived from botanicals and other medicinal herbs.As a drink, it is also associated with bohemian culture.Absinth is a perfume inspired by escapism towards happiness and careless snickering laughs, amoment of delirium that makes one forget about the troubles and dive into a luxurious type ofmadness.This fragrance contains a certain amount of chlorophyll and natural ingredients that might changethe colour of the fragrance liquid and create some sediments if kept in the daylight for a long time.

The Cap of The Bottleis made out of a very thick olive wood. Finding the suitable timber witha proper thickness for producing these caps was a time consuming research on its own

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