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Home » Products » Red Wine Brown Sugar

BohobocoRed Wine Brown SugarPerfume

50 ml

165,00 inc. IVA

Bohoboco – Red Wine Brown Sugar

Secrets notes of dry red wine, enriched with the aromas of wood and brown sugar. It is an unconventional composition that awakens the senses. The enveloping sweetness gives courage, introduces you to a world full of inspiration and self-awareness. Spicy notes of red wine open the door of extravagance and allow you to overcome all adversities. This addictive perfume will let you feel spiritual bliss from both sweet success, and the bitter path that leads to it.


HEAD NOTES: dried fruits, red fruits, blackberries
HEART NOTES: patchouli, red wine, cedarwood
BASE NOTES: caramel, sweet liquor, leather (synthetic)