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Home » Products » Rose de Pushkar

Ella KRose de PushkarEau de Parfum

70 ml | 100 ml

250,00 inc. IVA

Ella K – Rose de Pushkar

A proud, majestic, riotous and fiery rose inflamed by the Oud… I wanted to capture that sublime moment when the roses and their petals scattered on the surface by the pilgrims of the day, and still floating in the twilight, are reflected in the lake’s sacred waters below the full moon – a vibrant, multi-petalled rose…

In the background, the musk, already aglow with pink, comes alive in contact with the intoxicating fragrance from the oud, recalling the magical, unreal, atmosphere that exudes from this sacred village. The saffron leads the rose in a dazzling, frenetic, pas de deux to the edge of the desert.


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