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Home » Products » Yasmina

YasminaEau de Parfum

100 ml

210,00 inc. IVA

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Kajal – Yasmina

Yasmina is…power

A jasmine flower, when held in the hand, can be perceived as delicate, soft, and fragile. But the inner hidden secret of this flower is its scent, which is symbolic of strength, projection, and power.

“My childhood memories of jasmine are strongly linked to my grandmother – calling out to me to run into the gardens at the break of dawn to pick figs from the tree in our farmhouse.

I remember running to the tree through weeds of chamomile, thistles, and dandelions. I would climb the first branches to get to the softer, juicier figs at the top, and I would take care not to get some of the white sap on the stem of the fruit onto my skin. But the most important part came next –after filling the bowl with enough fruit, it was imperative that I run to the jasmine tree and carefully pick the delicate flowers. I’d fill the bowl with jasmine so that the figs barely showed. The scent would fill my nose, and I remember even sucking on the base of the cut flowers to get a very mild sweetness from the nectar.” – Moe Khalaf (Founder & Kajal Creative Officer)

This memory has been captured by perfumer Valérie Garnuch-Mentzel from Drom. Yasmina… delicate yet powerful, bold and strong. On the first whiff of this majestic scent, you discover the strength of Yasmina: confident and animalistic, demanding attention and position.

The fragrance notes of Yasmina are surprising, revealing rough cardamom, saffron and rose.

The animalistic properties of jasmine and orris give this scent a captivating power. In the middle, you get a rugged leather aroma mixed with a unique whiskey scent.

Some tameness is felt at the base with vanilla and tonka beans combined with patchouli – an overall powerful scent.